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Industry Reports

  • 2024 Global Life Sciences Sector Outlook


    With the global pandemic firmly in the rearview mirror, life sciences companies are looking at key macro- and micro-economic drivers to guide their future growth. While the list of trends with wide-ranging global impact is broad, in this year, life sciences enterprises are paying particular attention to those more disruptive trends....


  • 2024 Health Care & Life Sciences Top Trends


    Share on Twitter Print Share by Email Share Back to top Artificial intelligence continues to be one of the most talked about business trends. Many of the AI technologies that health care and life sciences companies are adopting are largely untested from a legal perspective, creating gray areas that regulatory agencies are grappling with. AI innovations also offer opportunities for competitive advantage through the strategic management of intellectual property rights....


  • A coming (r)evolution? Pharma industry outlook, trends and strategies for 2024


    A trio of outside forces will test the pharmaceutical industry’s resilience in the year ahead, catalyzing the industry’s continued evolution via breakthrough science and innovation of its customer engagement strategies....


  • 2024 Healthcare and Life Sciences Investment Outlook


    This in-depth examination of the healthcare and life sciences (HCLS) deal market explores how the major developments of 2023 have prepared the way for the year ahead. In this paper, we analyze how eight subsectors fared during another year of industry challenges and global instability, and how deal activity and market drivers could shape the 2024 investment landscape....


  • 2024 Outlook for Life Sciences GenAI, drug prices, economy likely to influence strategy


    Digital transformation, generative artificial intelligence (AI), and the adoption of virtual health/digital tools are the three trends most likely to impact medical device manufacturers in 2024, according to a survey of C-suite executives conducted by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions....


  • The world bank group:World Development Report 2022


    World Development Report 2022: Finance for an Equitable Recovery examines the central role of finance in the economic recovery from COVID-19. Based on an in-depth look at the consequences of the crisis most likely to affect low- and middle-income economies, it advocates a set of policies and measures to mitigate the interconnected economic risks stemming from the pandemic—risks that may become more acute as stimulus measures are withdrawn at both the domestic and global levels. Those policies include the efficient and transparent management of nonperforming loans to mitigate threats to financial stability, insolvency reforms to allow for the orderly reduction of unsustainable debts, innovations in risk management and lending models to ensure continued access to credit for households and businesses, and improvements in sovereign debt management to preserve the ability of governments to support an equitable recovery....


  • Global Wellness Institute:The Global Wellness Economy-Looking Beyond COVID


    The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices,and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. There are two important aspects to this definition. First, wellness is not a passive or static state, but rather an “active pursuit” that is associated with intentions, choices, and actions. Second, wellness is linked to holistic health – that is, it extends beyond physical health and incorporates many different dimensions, including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental dimensions....


  • Deloitte:Intelligent drug launch and commercial Optimising value through AI


    This is the fifth report in our Intelligent biopharma series, which explores the current and future potential of artificial intelligence (AI) across the biopharma value chain.1 This report focuses on how companies can use AI to improve drug launches and their commercial models....


  • McKinsey & Company:Leap to the future of healthcare: Reinvent through business building


    Reinventing business models and building new sources of revenue have never been more important for the healthcare industry, especially as it seeks to improve lives and livelihoods. As we note in our article, “The great acceleration in healthcare: Six trends to heed,” business model reinvention is increasingly becoming essential to deliver greater value to stakeholders in the areas of quality, affordability, access, experience, and equity....


  • The Lancet: Social innovation in global health: sparking location action


    Health innovation is often developed in response to local challenges, fueled from frontline health workers by unique needs and opportunities. Yet the power to scale up innovation is often vested in high-level authorities that have limited understanding of local contexts. How can innovation in global health be sparked? A growing social innovation in health movement shows that innovation is more effective when it emerges bottom-up from low-income and middle-income countries....


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